
Entity Definition

Logical Name : CustomerOrderShipmentContainer
Physical Name : AS_CT_ORD_SHPMT_CNR

Identifies, names and describes a physical package containing merchandise (Items) to be transported from one place to another. A shipping container is a container with strength suitable to withstand shipment, storage, and handling. Shipping containers range from large reusable steel boxes used for intermodal shipments to the ubiquitous corrugated boxes. In the context of international shipping trade, "container" or "shipping container" is virtually synonymous with "(standard) intermodal freight container" (a container designed to be moved from one mode of transport to another without unloading and reloading). Carton Tote ISO Container Pallet etc.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
ShipmentContainerID (PK) Token identifier used to uniquely identify this ShippingContainer instance. ID_CT_ORD_SHPMT_CNR Identity integer
ShipmentContainerSequenceNumber Number used to list ShipmentContainer instances within a Shipment. AI_SHPMT_CNR_SQN_NMB LineNumber smallint
CarrierContainerTrackingID A bar code, RFID chip or some other identification used to uniquely distinguish one ShipmentContainer from all others. Used to track the shipment container ID_CRR_CNR_TRCKNG IdentityAlphaNumeric varchar(20)
GrossWeightQuantity The gross weight of the ShipmentContainer including merchandise plus the weight of the container itself QW_GW_WT_QTY Quantity DECIMAL(9,3)
ContainerHeightQuantity The height of a container. Used to define dimensions for load configuration. QL_CNR_HT_QTY Quantity DECIMAL(9,3)
ContainerLengthQuantity The length of a container. Used to define dimensions for load configuration. QL_CNR_LNG_QTY Quantity DECIMAL(9,3)
Linear (FK) The code used to specify the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. This code relates to the UCC data element 355. CD_UOM_LNR Code varchar(20) UnitOfMeasure(CO_UOM)
NetWeightQuantity The weight of the merchandise without the container. QW_NT_WT_QTY Quantity DECIMAL(9,3)
Weight (FK) The code used to specify the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. This code relates to the UCC data element 355. CD_UOM_WT Code varchar(20) UnitOfMeasure(CO_UOM)
PackageTypeCode (FK) A code used to classify packages for transportation purposes. CD_PKG_TYP Code varchar(20) PackageType(CO_PKG_TYP)
PackagingShapeCode (FK) Designated code used to characterize the geometric form of a ShipmentContainer or package. CD_PCKGNG_SHPE Code varchar(20) PackagingShape(CO_PCKGNG_SHPE)
ShipmentID (FK) A unique, retailer supplied identifier for a RetailTransactionShipment. ID_SHP Identity integer CustomerOrderShipment(TR_SHP_CT_ORD)
PackageLevelCode Designateds a llevel of packaging. Used to document containers within containers (nesting) . Sample GS1 values are: 1 Inner 1E Highest (GS1 Code) 2 Intermediate 3 Outer 4 No packaging hierarchy 5 Shipment Level CD_PKG_LV Code varchar(20)
ContainerWidthQuantity The width of a container. Used to define dimensions for load configuration. QL_CNR_WD_QTY Quantity DECIMAL(9,3)
BaseShippingFeeExpenseAmount Base shipping fee charged by the carrier exclusive of add-on fees for extra services for this ShipmentContainer. MO_BS_SHPPNG_FE_EXP_AMT Money decimal(16,5)
AccessoryFeeExpenseAmount Extra fees added to total shipping expense for extra (accessory) services like extra insurance, signed receipt/confirmation, etc. for this ShipmentContainer. MO_ACCSSRY_FE_EXP_AMT Money decimal(16,5)
DimensionalWeightQuantity Dimensional weight, also known as volumetric weight, is a pricing technique for commercial freight transport (including courier and postal services), which uses an estimated weight that is calculated from the length, width and height of a package. Shipping costs have historically been calculated on the basis of gross weight in kilograms or pounds. By charging only by weight, lightweight, low density packages become unprofitable for freight carriers due to the amount of space they take up in the truck/aircraft/ship in proportion to their actual weight. The concept of dimensional weight has been adopted by the transportation industry worldwide as a uniform means of establishing a minimum charge for the cubic space a package occupies. In fact, UPS[1] and Fedex[2] have recently announced that starting 2015, shipping charges on all shipments (air and ground) will be determined by greater of the actual weight and dimensional weight of a package. Prior to this announcement, dimensional weight charges were only applicable to packages of a specific size range. Dimensional weight is a calculation of a theoretical weight of a package. This theoretical weight is the weight of the package at a minimum density chosen by the freight carrier. If the package is below this minimum density, then the actual weight is irrelevant as the freight carrier will charge for the volume of the package as if it were of the chosen density (what the package would weigh at the minimum density). Furthermore, the volume used to calculate the dimensional weight may not be absolutely representative of the true volume of the package. The freight carrier will measure the longest dimension in each of the three axis (X, Y, Z) and use these measurements to determine the package volume. If the package is a right-angled rectangular box (cuboid), then this will be equal to the true volume of the package. However, if the package is of any other shape, then the calculation of volume will be more than the true volume of the package. Dimensional weight is also known as DIM weight, volumetric weight, or cubed weight. Freight carriers utilize the greater of the actual weight or dimensional weight to calculate shipping charges. Dimensional weight is calculated as (length � width � height) / (dimensional factor). Measurements can be made all in inches or all in centimeters, but the appropriate shipping factor must also be used. QW_DMNSNL_WT_QTY Quantity DECIMAL(9,3)
StandardParcelSizeID (FK) Token identifier for a CarrierStandardParcelSize entity type instance ID_STD_PRCL_SZ Identity integer CarrierStandardParcelSize(CO_CRR_STD_PRCL_SZ)
Contained (FK) Token identifier used to uniquely identify this ShippingContainer instance. ID_CT_OR_SHPMT_CNR_CNTND Identity integer CustomerOrderShipmentContainer(AS_CT_ORD_SHPMT_CNR)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
PackageType classifies form of CustomerOrderShipmentContainer
UnitOfMeasure defines weight units for CustomerOrderShipmentContainer
UnitOfMeasure defines linear units of CustomerOrderShipmentContainer
CarrierStandardParcelSize standardizes dimensions for CustomerOrderShipmentContainer
CustomerOrderShipment is composed of CustomerOrderShipmentContainer
PackagingShape classifies shape of CustomerOrderShipmentContainer
CustomerOrderShipmentContainer contains CustomerOrderShipmentContainer
CustomerOrderShipmentContainer contains CustomerOrderShipmentContainer
CustomerOrderShipmentContainer contains CustomerOrderShipmentItem

Logical Views containing CustomerOrderShipmentContainer

Logical View
Logical 02130 - Item Inventory - Receiving View
Logical 02309 - Retail Transaction Delivery